
Supported Self-Advocacy/Supported Decision Making
Supported decision making allows the individual to make their own decisions. The individual has identified supporters who they can turn to for advice and guidance.
Unlike guardianship, the individual can select multiple supporters. Appointed supporters can share their opinions but cannot make a decision on behalf of the individual
It is not required to go to court or obtain a lawyer for this type of support
The individual can fill out a Supported Decision Making Agreement Form with the identified supporter(s)
Visit this link to obtain a SDM Form: https://supporteddecisions.org/getting-started-with-supported-decision-making/sdm-agreement-form/
A sample Supported Healthcare Decision Making Agreement can be found on page 5: https://autisticadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ASAN-Supported-Decisionmaking-Model-Legislature.pdf
It is recommended to have the agreement notarized so it is treated as an official document
Recommended Accompanying Documents:
Healthcare Proxy
Power of Attorney
Release of Information
Visit The Supported Decision Making Website for more information: https://supporteddecisions.org/getting-started-with-supported-decision-making/
Additional Alternatives that Do Not Involve the Court System
Healthcare Proxy: an identified individual to make health care decisions on the young adult's behalf if they become unable to make decisions
Durable Power of Attorney: an identified individual who will make financial, business, and/or legal decisions on the young adult's behalf if they become unable to make decisions
This is typically recommended for individuals who own property or have large sums of money
it is recommended to seek support from a lawyer if pursuing a power of attorney
Appointment of Advocate
Limited Conservatorship
Specifies specific areas of financial management where the conservator makes decisions on behalf of the young adult with a disability
The young adult will make all other financial decisions
Full Conservatorship
The identified conservator has full control over the young adult's finances.
The young adult has restricted decision-making rights regarding their money but has full decision-making rights regarding other areas of life
Limited/Partial Guardianship
An appointed guardian makes decisions in specific areas of life on behalf of the young adult with a disability
The specific areas must be identified when applying for limited/partial guardianship
The young adult maintains decision-making rights in all other areas
Full Guardianship
An appointed guardian has legal authority to make all decisions on behalf of the person with the disability
The individual's decision-making rights are restricted across all areas